One of the main objectives of the CNR Nanoscience Institute's technology transfer is to bring the scientific capabilities and technological achievements of the research groups in our Institute closer to national and international socio-economic sectors (companies, public agencies, public and private foundations, and so on), so that the research carried out by CNR Nano improves social and economic welfare.

CNR Nano technology transfer activities bring the knowledge and results of our research to the market and provide a point of union between CNR Nano research groups and companies that require technology. Technology transfer links the Institute's technology offerings with business demand and responds to companies' technology needs through the identification of common interests.

In addition to general R&D, Research and Development, capabilities, there are simulation and theory, characterization/measurement and device fabrication activities in CNR Nano. The large number of research infrastructures in CNR Nano laboratories then allows for the development of various high-tech activities, such as the production and testing of micro/nanodevices based on semiconductors, metals and biomaterials for sensor, electronics and photonics applications. In addition, various theoretical and simulation activities guide and support experimental development.

The technological offer present in CNR Nano Institute can be identified  5 macro areas of interest:

The activities of valorization and management of intellectual property on CNR research results are assigned to the Research Valorization Unit of the CNR Directorate General.
